how will you sleep at the end of the day?

'the sky, like always, is vast above the small ebbing and flowing of human life, each and every living thing on this planet seemingly a grain of sand against the ocean that makes up our solar system and the surrounding galaxies that twist and warp and wind around us.'


[ gemini sun ]
| aries moon |
[ scorpio rising ]
chaotic good

comfort cc's:

  • jschlatt

  • wendigoon

  • sneegsnag

  • cscoop

  • traves

  • jacksepticeye

  • markiplier


  • paranormal encounters

  • dark academia

  • witchery

  • botany

  • alchemy

  • paganism [practicing]



  • wes anderson films

  • math rock

  • overabundances of soft pillows and blankets

  • minecraft plushies

  • long car rides with too-loud music

  • controlled pyromaniac

  • emotionally charged

  • author/artist/vocalist/musician

  • astronomer and astrologist

  • current dream: graduate from college and start teaching; pubilsh a full-length novel

humanity's heart is something of a miracle and of a disaster
it is kind and brutal
warm and cold
whole and singular
effervescent and hollow
heavenly and hellish
and it is human
but has it earned its humanity?